

I had hoped to be able to see BEAST at KMF, this past Saturday, but it just didn't work out. :(

2PM and 2AM are still coming up, though... and no way am I missing them!

2PM show has a meet and greet.

and 2AM's has am after party! I can't wait for that! I get to hang out with JoKwon, so....
It's a must go sort of deal!

just updates

ok... so much going on, and had been happening.

started training for census work, but had to miss last two days... so now need to find another way to earn money. considering temporary work... will have to get up at 5 am. blah....


Cinema Bizarre!!

I've been listening to them again. Luminor is no longer a part of the band.
It's for the best though. Being in the group was no longer good for him.

There's a couple new Cinema Bizarre songs. I love both of them, though one of them makes me sad.

The other is a demo that somehow got leaked.

I'm planning on seeing them in concert in Los Angeles in April.

They less than a week ago won an award. Border Breakers, I think it is. I'd have to check though.


update time!! :D

(originally posted 6-22-2008)

There is so much going on. I'm doing really well learning Japanese, on my own.
I have new favorite groups and singers.

To name a few:

Jay Chou

My goal now is to become a singer, in Japanese. (in addition to current goals of visiting and moving to Japan) (update to this..... changed goal... singing would still be nice. But now I just want a job and more than $200 a month)


new things

I will be going to the post office tomorrow, to get an ipmo.

I will be using it to get hIS iNVINCIBLE dELUGE eVIDENCE, a Miyavi single of Senor Senora Senorita that has a dvd included and also a castanets thing, and Gackt's most recent cd/dvd Returner- Type A I think it is.


Moon Child

I got this movie on the 12th. It's a great movie.

My exact thoughts on it coming soon.

A very touching scene between Sho and Kei.
One of my favorites.
I'll try to find a better copy of the last one.
One that isn't cut off.

hide plushie update

I've since received it. I have to check to see what the date was.


my hide plushie

At one something this morning, my hide plushie was purchased. I will have it in about a week.

I am very happy to finally be getting the one I want. Which is not being made anymore.


Dir en grey 6-17-2007

This was my first Dir en grey concert. And luckily it was sooner than I was told, which would have been about March of 2009.

They were amazing. I was on Die's side of the stage, 2nd row back.

I didn't have a very good view of Kaoru and Toshiya unfortunately, but I was able to see them if I maneuvered enough.

I had a pretty good view of Kyo, though. Enough to be able to see the scars on his torso, after he took his shirt off, before the 2nd song.

And to be able to see him do his dancing.

I could somewhat see Shinya, though he was pretty much hidden behind his drum kit.

I got to see Die pour water over his head, when he got too warm.

And also at one point he stood closer to the crowd, and held his guitar up vertically.

I don't recall now what songs they did, now that so many days have passed, but here is what I had posted at a guild I'm a member of:

The Final

and also what others have posted elsewhere:

in no particular order:

-Merciless Cult
-Kyo Acapella
-Dead Tree
-The IID Empire
-The Fatal Believer
-Disabled Complexes
-Ryoujoku no Ame
-The Final
-Repetition of Hatred
in above list:

IID should be IIID

GDS, Repitition of Hatred, Ryoujoku no Ame, Saku, The Final, Merciless Cult, The IIID Empire (!!!), Dead Tree, The Fatal Believer, The Deeper Vileness, and Disabled Complexes. Not in that order though.
copied verbatim from my post on Gaia.

Here is my concert report, such as it is. :)
added: song title
more about my Asian guy
I remembered another thing Kyo did (6-19-07)
song info (6-21-07)

Ok. well a tiny post for now. First..... Kyo is one sexy dancer. *lusting after him*

I was on Die's side of the stage. At one point he poured water on his head, so I got to see him with his hair wet.

I was sweaty, crowded, bumped into, pushed(by mosher-ish person).

But it was wonderful.

Kyo's scars/sores were very visible.
He fish-hooked a couple times. *He also hit his forehead with his mic a few times(3 or 4 I think).*

They did some songs I've heard before.
The Final

and I am tired, hopefully I'll remember the rest.

*There were also songs from Marrow. I will find someone else's post about it, and put that here soon.*

Now my occurrence:

I was trying to maneuver my way forwards, to be closer to my boys. I ended up standing behind my Asian guy(tis what I call him).

He had to have felt someone standing behind him, because he turned his head. And then he smiled at me. Not just a closed mouth smile, either. He smiled at me 3 or 4 times total. Quite a few times I was pushed into him, by moshing type activity.

I get a little fan-girly from this point on, so if you want to know more, just ask. I will find a way to post privately, or I could just email you. And of course he's not really my Asian guy.

learning Japanese

Yoshiki & Toshi: Last Live

I started working on learning Japanese 3 or 4 months ago.

I'm doing pretty well.

I know some important things:

how to say hi:
Konnichi wa
how to introduce myself:
Watashi wa Jessy desu, or Watashi no namae Jessy desu
how to ask how someone's doing:
Ogenki desu ka
how to say goodbye:
sayonara(yes, I knew before, but not the right way to say it)
how to say I'm an American:
Watashi wa Amerika-jin desu
how to say I love you:

I can also recognize words in songs by my favorite JRock artists now. :)